Understanding Stellate Ganglion Blocks (SGBs) for Dysautonomia in Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) Patients

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) is a group of hereditary disorders affecting the connective tissues, known for symptoms such as joint hypermobility, skin elasticity, and tissue fragility. A less discussed but significant aspect of EDS is its potential to result in dysautonomia, a term for various conditions that cause a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS controls several involuntary body functions, including heart rate and blood pressure. Dysautonomia in EDS can lead to a myriad of symptoms, including rapid heart rate, blood pressure fluctuations, and fainting spells, significantly impacting the quality of life.


Why EDS Can Result in Dysautonomia

The link between EDS and dysautonomia, specifically POTS, is complex and multifaceted. The structural abnormalities in connective tissue found in EDS patients can affect blood vessels and internal organs, leading to abnormal responses of the ANS. These abnormal responses can manifest as dysautonomia, where patients experience difficulties in regulating heart rate, blood pressure, and other autonomic functions.


Mechanism of Action for SGBs in Dysautonomia

Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB) is a minimally invasive procedure that involves the injection of a collection of nerves in the neck that is part of the sympathetic nervous system. The procedure aims to “reset” the sympathetic nervous system, which is often overactive in dysautonomia conditions like POTS.


The mechanism of action for SGB in treating dysautonomia involves the reset of nerve signals in the sympathetic nervous system. This reser can decrease the abnormal sympathetic activity that contributes to the symptoms of dysautonomia, such as elevated heart rate and blood pressure instability. By blocking these nerve signals, SGB can provide relief from the debilitating symptoms associated with dysautonomia in EDS patients.

This blog article aims to shed light on the promising approach of using Stellate Ganglion Blocks (SGBs) to treat dysautonomia symptoms in EDS patients, offering hope for better management of these conditions. As research advances, the medical community is optimistic about developing more effective treatments for those affected by EDS and its associated dysautonomia.