Knee Osteoarthritis Injections

Get on the path to comprehensive healing and long-term recovery today!

Non-Surgical Knee Arthritis Treatments in Los Angeles and Orange County

What is it?

Osteoarthritis is commonly described as “wear-and-tear” that can impact any joint in the body. However, it is especially common in the knee. This condition develops slowly and symptoms worsen over time.

As we age, cartilage, which provides cushioning between our joints as well as shock-absorption, begins to break down. With less cartilage to separate the bones that make up the joints, they rub closer together which can lead to decreased mobility, pain and stiffness.

Knee osteoarthritis can make everyday tasks extremely difficult. Things like walking or climbing stairs are painful and sometimes possible.

Anatomy of the knee

The knee is the strongest and largest joint in the body. It’s made up of four different bones, including the:

  • Femur (thigh bone)
  • Patella (knee cap)
  • Tibia (shin bone)
  • Fibular (side of the lower leg)

The ends of these three bones form the knee joint, which is surrounded by a smooth surface called the articular cartilage. This protects and cushions the bones when walking, running, or any other movement that involves bending and straightening the knee.

There are two ring-shaped pieces of specialized cartilage known as the meniscus. These are the knee’s shock absorbers which are tough and rubbery and cushion the joint to keep it stable. The knee joint is also surrounded by the synovial membrane, which releases lubricating fluid. 

Connecting bone to bone are supportive soft tissue called ligaments. These structures are like those thick rubber bands that surround broccoli in the grocery store. These ligaments provide support, but are flexible to allow movement. Finally, there are tendons that surround the knee which are what connect muscle to bone and allow movement of the joint.


A knee joint that is affected by osteoarthritis is actually not always painful. It is very common to have osteoarthritis and have ZERO pain associated with it. However, when a knee has osteoarthritis, it may be easier for it to get irritated. When an injury or abnormal movement occurs, the knee joint can become inflamed and painful. In most patients, the pain develops gradually over time. Others may experience a sudden onset of pain although this is less common.

Knee osteoarthritis causes many different symptoms, including:

  • Pain that increases during activity, but lessens with rest
  • Swelling
  • Feeling of warmth in the knee area
  • Stiffness, especially after sitting or when waking up in the morning, that may make it hard to bend and straighten the knee

The condition may also cause a crackling or creaking noise when bending or straightening the knee. Some find that their symptoms increase with changes in the weather, especially in the colder months.

Dr. Shounuck Patel


There are several surgical options that can be used to treat knee osteoarthritis. However, these surgeries come with risks and the results are usually temporary. Most people who undergo arthroscopic surgery require a second surgery in the future.

At the Patel Center for Functional Regeneration we specialize in effective, non-surgical knee osteoarthritis treatments that not only address the symptoms, but the underlying causes of the condition.

Dr. Shounuck Patel specializes in advanced regenerative injections to treat knee osteoarthritis including a wide range of customized PRP and Cell Therapy.


Orthobiologic Knee Treatments

Orthobiologics involves using natural substances, such as tissues, cells, blood components, and growth factors, to aid in the healing and treatment of orthopedic conditions. These substances can be used for several purposes, including:

  • Reducing pain and inflammation
  • Accelerating healing of soft tissue structures
  • Improving health or slowing down degeneration of cartilage
  • Improving joint function

Orthobiologics are obtained from your own body and are administered through a non-invasive injection.

The most commonly used form of orthobiologics is platelet-rich-plasma (PRP). PRP is obtained from your blood. After being drawn, your blood is processed to concentrate platelets and white blood cells, which reduce inflammation and enhance healing.

PRP can be injected directly into and around the knee. Unlike surgery, most patients can resume their normal lives within a few days.

Knee osteoarthritis statistics

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of the condition. People over the age of 45 are at an increased risk of osteoarthritis, though it does occur in young people. According to the Arthritis Foundation, more than 32.5 million people in the United States have osteoarthritis, with the knee being one of the most affected areas. Research has also found that women are more likely to have it than men.


Dr. Shounuck Patel, DO is a leader in the field of orthopedic regenerative medicine.

International Association


Schedule a consultation

Get on a path to comprehensive healing and long-term pain relief today!  Discover if you are a good candidate for regenerative medicine knee treatments. We service Los Angeles County, Orange County and San Diego County. For more information contact our patient concierge at in**@fx***********.com or call us at (310) 929-9790.

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