To say that back pain is debilitating is an understatement. This symptom can worsen day by day and over-the-counter medicines and cortisone injections only provide temporary relief.

What’s even more frustrating is that most back pain sufferers are not ideal candidates for back surgery and many patients who have undergone surgery are often left with unsatisfactory results and complications.

Fortunately, there are new holistic non-surgical back surgery alternatives pioneered by Los Angeles orthobiologic specialist Dr. Shounuck Patel.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) spinal injections are non-surgical treatments for chronic back pain. Platelet-rich plasma contains a high concentration of platelets —cells that facilitate wound healing. When injected into the affected area using ultrasound guided technology, the platelets can help to repair damaged tissue. This process relieves pain and helps restore normal function in the spine.

How It Is Performed?

First, Dr. Patel will extract about 30 milliliters of blood from the patient. The blood is then put into a centrifuge, where platelet-rich plasma is separated from the other blood components. Guided by ultrasound, the plasma is then injected into the affected area. This releases three to five times the growth factors compared to regular human blood. The entire procedure takes about 30 minutes. Response to the treatment may vary. Most patients require one to three sets of PRP injections. Each set is spaced four to six weeks apart.

Bone Marrow Injection

Bone marrow is another minimally invasive procedure that can help reduce back pain.
For this treatment, cells harvested from bone marrow are injected into the affected area. Bone marrow cells are believed to have anti-inflammatory and regenerative benefits.

Although bone marrow cell treatments are new, the research on their effectiveness is promising. According to recent case studies, 100 percent of patients treated with cell therapy experienced decreased back pain while performing daily activities.

How It Is Performed?

Dr. Shounck Patel uses a needle to extract marrow from the patient’s hip bone. The bone marrow is then concentrated into a centrifuge — separating the cells and platelets from the bone marrow. The end product is called bone marrow aspirate concentrate — or BMAC.

The product is then injected into the back under X-ray or ultrasound guidance. The procedure takes about 45 minutes to an hour. Bone marrow cell therapy relies on the body’s regenerative process, so the healing timeline will vary. Some patients have seen improvements within two to three months after treatment. However, many have noticed a reduction in back pain four to six weeks after injection.

Adipose Fat Graft Injections

Adipose fat graft uses injections to help repair damaged or injured tissues. The injection stays in the affected area without being reabsorbed by the body.

How It Is Performed?

First, a small section of fat is removed from the body and processed in a Microfragmented Adipose device using a sterile saline solution. The fat is then miniaturized — removing blood, inflammatory cells, and fatty oils. All that is left behind are the powerful, healing cells. The result is a tissue called Adipose fat.

Dr. Patel will use a small needle to inject the Adipose fat into the treatment area. The entire process can be performed in about one hour and only requires local anesthesia.
On average, patients see signs of improvement within two to eight weeks. The timeline depends on the severity of the injury and the area treated.

Surgery does not have to be an option. Functional alternatives help to heal back pain without the risk of complications.

Dr. Shounuck Patel and his team specialize in regenerative solutions for back pain. For more information contact us at in**@fx***********.com