Carpal Tunnel

Get on the path to comprehensive healing and long-term recovery today!

Non-Surgical, Minimally-Invasive Carpal Tunnel Treatment in Los Angeles and Orange County, CA

The wrist contains a narrow passageway that leads from the wrist to the hand, known as the carpal tunnel. This tunnel is made of bones on the bottom with a ligament soft tissue roof.

The carpal tunnel houses the median nerve, which controls movement and feeling of the thumb and fingers, except for the pinky. In the tunnel are also flexor tendons, which allow you to bend your thumb and fingers.

Various conditions can cause irritation to the median nerve within the carpal tunnel, which can cause a host of symptoms including pain, weakness, and numbness in the fingers.

What is it?

There are several reasons why one may develop carpal tunnel syndrome. Some of the most common underlying causes include:

  • Repetitive use of the hands & wrist
  • Regular and repetitive use of the hand can lead to swelling in the tunnel
  • Repetitive motions, like typing or playing video games
  • Repetitive pressure into the wrist, such as with weight lifting or bicycling
  • Swelling associated with conditions such as pregnancy


There are several health conditions that increase the risk of developing the condition, including:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis 
  • Diabetes
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Obesity
  • Hormonal changes in women who are pregnant 
  • Age
  • Genetic factors


Symptoms caused by carpal tunnel syndrome gradually become more severe over time. Initially, a patient may experience symptoms on and off, but as the condition progresses, symptoms are persistent.

The most common symptoms caused by carpal tunnel syndrome include:

  • Hands falling asleep
  • Pins and needles sensation in the fingers, hand, wrist, and occasionally forearm
  • Feeling of loss of circulation in the hands, improved by shaking
  • Pain radiating into the first 3-4 fingers from the hand and wrist, occasionally into the forearm
  • Weakened thumb or finger muscles
  • Difficulty with buttons or small objects
  • Stiff fingers
  • Numbness

Because of these symptoms, it’s much harder for patients to perform simple tasks that involve the hands. Actions such as typing or holding an object can become problematic.

Dr. Shounuck Patel


Carpal tunnel syndrome can usually be diagnosed with a quick physical examination. This involves pressing or tapping the median nerve, checking sensation in the fingers, or checking for weakness around the base of the thumb.

Diagnostic ultrasound can visualize the carpal tunnel and measurement of the nerve can reveal if there is any swelling, damage, or inflammation. 

We’ll also collect information about your symptoms, when they started, and whether they’ve worsened or improved.


While severe carpal tunnel syndrome may require surgery, the good news is there are several non-invasive treatment options that promote effective and efficient healing. The syndrome is typically treated with a combination of immobilization (splinting), physical therapy and when necessary regenerative injections.



Wearing a splint or wrist brace provides added support while also keeping the wrist in a neutral position. Immobilization can help those in the early stages of the condition, along with lifestyle changes such as weight loss and modifying hand/wrist activities.


Physical Therapy and/or OMT

Nerve and tendon gliding exercises can benefit those with carpal tunnel syndrome. Completing simple stretches for a few minutes throughout the day can reduce symptoms. Other patients see great success with Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment.


Regenerative Medicine

Dr. Shounuck Patel specializes in customized cell therapy and regenerative treatments for carpal tunnel and other conditions of the hand and wrist. For carpal tunnel syndrome, Dr. Patel does a procedure called PRP Hydrodissection, which involves using your body’s own blood platelets and growth factors injected with ultrasound guidance in the carpal tunnel to free up the median nerve.  This holistic treatment not only minimizes symptoms by decreasing inflammation, but also can repair damaged nerves and improve function.



For specific situations, Dr. Patel can complete a minimally invasive procedure that releases the soft tissue ligament covering the carpal tunnel, thereby making more room for the otherwise compressed median nerve. For other situations, if absolutely necessary, referral is made to a hand surgeon.


Dr. Shounuck Patel, DO is a leader in the field of orthopedic regenerative medicine.

International Association


Schedule a consultation

If you may be suffering from carpal tunnel, non-surgical, non-invasive treatment options are available. During your initial consultation, we’ll discuss the various treatment options available to you. All patients are unique, so a custom treatment plan is the best way to provide holistic healing that treats symptoms and the underlying injury. We service Los Angeles County, Orange County and San Diego County.  For more information contact our patient concierge at in**@fx***********.com or call us at (310) 929-9790.

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