Knee arthritis injections offer an effective alternative to knee replacement surgery that can get you moving pain-free again. 

Arthritic knees can not only put a stop to your active lifestyle, they can cause you significant pain and discomfort on a daily basis. Today, with the right medical treatment your arthritis doesn’t have to spell the end to your annual skiing trips, weekend hikes or daily runs.  

Arthritis can be caused by many things including gender and heredity factors, age and lifestyle activities. Traditionally, doctors would treat this condition with cortisone injections, arthroscopic knee surgery or total knee joint replacement.

Cortisone Injections makes arthritis worse

While cortisone injections are one the most common medical procedures, these can actually cause harm to your knees. Research has demonstrated that repeated cortisone injections actually leads to less cartilage in the knee. This is an easy way to temporarily decrease pain while speeding up the need for surgery! 

Knee surgery is not always the answer

While many medical practitioners believe these surgical procedures to be straightforward, both these surgeries require you to undergo months of rehabilitation and come with their own serious risks. 

There has even been research that has shown that 6 in 10 knee replacement surgeries have no clear medical indication and 34% of arthroscopic surgeries are inappropriate. Approximately 700,000 arthroscopic partial meniscectomies are performed annually in the U.S. Annual direct medical costs are estimated at $4 billion. However, the surgery has been found to be no more effective than sham surgery, simply ineffective, unnecessary, and dangerous in a number of studies. (MD Alert, 2017).

At The Patel Center for Functional Regeneration, we believe in educating our patients on all the possible treatment options available to help you avoid surgery whenever possible.

Alternatives to knee replacement surgery in Los Angeles

At The Patel Center for Functional Regeneration, Dr. Shounuck Patel is trailblazing the practice of Functional Orthopaedic Medicine in order to restore the body without invasive surgeries.

Dr. Patel offers Cell Therapy and Platelet Rich Plasma procedures in both Los Angeles and Orange County, California. These non-surgical stem-cell treatments help people suffering from knee pain from degenerative conditions, such as knee osteoarthritis. 

Dr. Patel’s same-day office non-surgical knee injections may help alleviate your knee pain and the conditions that cause it.

Your alternative to knee surgery

Dr. Patel uses advanced imaging techniques, including high-definition ultrasound and fluoroscopy x-ray, to inject a patient’s own solutions directly where they are needed for maximum results. This is called Interventional Orthopedics, exact precision takes time, care, patience, planning, and expertise – a commitment that Dr. Patel makes every single patient he treats.  

What Dr. Patel’s patients are saying about the treatment

Tommy, a 75-year-old lifelong skier, had this to say about having non-surgical knee injections at The Patel Center for Functional Regeneration.  


“The last time I went skiing the pain ratio was out of 10 a 9. My knees were shot. So I looked into having knee replacement surgery. I met Sean and he said that they had a patented process and if it doesn’t work then I could still have the knee replacement surgery. So he treated both knees (with injections) and I was amazed at how quickly I was off the crutches. I’m back skiing and it’s one of the best decisions I ever made.” 


Regenerative medicine is helping people recover from debilitating injuries without risky, costly, and unnecessary surgical procedures. 

Are regenerative medicine treatment right for you?

The expert team at The Patel Center for Functional Regeneration will extensively review your medical history and symptoms with you. They will discuss all the options with you to decide if this non-surgical treatment approach is the right fit for you and your lifestyle.

Find out more about alternative knee replacement treatments 

You may not need to get a knee replacement. Talk to the experienced team at The Patel Center for Functional Regeneration about their non-surgical treatments. For more information contact Dr Patel’s patient concierge at in**@fx***********.com.