Neck Pain
Injection Treatments

Get on the path to comprehensive healing and long-term recovery today!

Non-Surgical Neck Pain and Cervical Condition Treatments in Los Angeles and Orange County

What is it?

Discs in the neck and lower back may degenerate, causing chronic back and neck pain. In the United States, 500,000 spinal fusion surgeries and 400,000 lumbar discectomies are performed every year for people who are dealing with chronic back pain due to disc degeneration. 

Regenerative medicine offers an alternative to surgery, and the innovation provided by cell therapies is an exciting new way to help people who are suffering from chronic back and neck pain that are caused by degenerative disc diseases in the neck and back.

Neck Pain Treatment Los Angeles CA


Stiff neck

Soreness and difficulty moving the neck, especially when trying to turn the head from side to side.

Sharp pain

This pain may be localized to one spot and might feel like it is stabbing or stinging. This type of pain typically occurs in the lower neck.


This discomfort is typically felt in a broader area or region of the neck. It is described as tender or achy, not sharp.

Radicular pain

This pain can radiate along a nerve from the neck into the shoulder and arm. The intensity can vary and this nerve pain might feel like it is burning or searing.

Cervical Radiculopathy

Neurological deficits—such as problems with reflexes, sensation, or strength—may be experienced in the arm due to nerve root compression. Cervical radiculopathy may also be accompanied by radicular pain.


Sometimes an irritation in the neck can affect muscles and nerves connected to the head.

Dr. Shounuck Patel


It is an all too common myth that acute neck pain requires bed rest. In fact, there is research that shows that extended rest beyond a couple days can actually make the situation worse. We often also incorporate hands-on therapy with Osteopathic Manipulation or referral to a trusted DO, Chiropractor or other manual therapist. Another complementary therapy that has supportive research is acupuncture. If needed, we use regenerative injection treatments to treat the whole Functional Spinal Unit.

Since the cells are taken from the bodies of the patients, there is no potential for allergic reactions. People may experience risks that are associated with injections, including bleeding, infections or damage to the nerves.

Cell therapy may be a great alternative to spinal surgery for people who experience chronic neck and back pain caused by degenerative disc disease. 

Neck Pain

  • Degenerative Disc Disease

  • Arthritis

  • Stenosis

  • Disc Tear

  • Sciatica or Pinched Nerve, also known as Radiculitis or Radiculopathy

  • Disc Herniation 

  • Sacroiliac Joint Pain, Sprain or Dysfunction

  • Neck Sprain, Strain or Spasm

  • Spondylolisthesis


Dr. Shounuck Patel, DO is a leader in the field of orthopedic regenerative medicine.

International Association


Schedule a consultation

Get on a path to comprehensive healing and long-term pain relief today! Learn about how Dr. Patel can help heal your spine injury or cervical condition. We service Los Angeles County, Orange County and San Diego County. For more information contact our patient concierge at in**@fx***********.com or call us at (310) 929-9790.

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